There has been a lot going on in the news with regards to child pornography. It is definitely on the rise. Just in the last 2 weeks, there have been at least 2 cases happen locally to me. This definitely seems higher than it used to be, when this was a thing that was rarely ever discussed. Now, it is unfortunately, a reality, and to top it off, a lot of pedophiles feel that THEY are the victim because of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) and mandatory minimum sentences. There are people who justify hebephilia (attraction to pubescent kids) because it is a natural instinct (as it is in nature when as soon as animals are able to reproduce, they do for survival).
Now, the real question is? Are these people right? Are they the victims of nature?
First of all, I will admit that I type this with a certain degree of bias. I hate anyone who victimizes a child in any way, shape, or form. I have a strong dislike towards people who abuse children, because I feel children are innocent and their whole lives become negatively affected by abuse sustained on them. As I was a victim of child abuse (physical and mental), I can tell you that I was permanently affected by it. Having never been sexually abused, I can not say that "I've been there," or that "I know what that is like," but I can say that abuse has long lasting effects that can potentially last a life time to get over.
So, I will always lean towards the victim being the child.
Now, let's get to the bottom of why sex offenders feel they are the victims. The sex offender registry was created to notify people when sex offenders are moving next to them. It is also there to notify potential homeowners of how many sex offenders live in their future neighborhood. The sex offender registry was created to inform people for the safety of their children. That's pretty much it. Any use of that list beyond that purpose is actually considered a felony.
But people out there have used the list for more nefarious purposes. They have done things like committing acts of violence against sex offenders, harassing them relentlessly, vandalizing their property, and killing them. These people believe that they are making the world a better place by doing this. This is debatable, as I feel people who commit heinous crimes against children, should meet the capital punishment system.
Some of the offenses don't even seem that severe (for instance, a 15 and a 17 year old dating and then the 17 year old turns 18 and is suddenly a sex offender because the 15 year old's parents do not approve). There have been people who falsely have had people arrested just because they had a disagreement and falsely claimed their kids have been molested. These are people who get tied into the sex offender registry as well, and they are demonized for it.
There are a lot of people who believe that hebephilia is normal, and it is natural. It was going to be categorized as a DSM-V mental illness, and there was an uproar about it. They argued that being attracted to pubescent kids is "normal, and natural." To an extent, I can see their point of view: from a strictly biological standpoint. People younger than the age of 20, tend to be the most fertile, and have higher levels of hormones. In the wild, animals mate as soon as they are able. So, it may seem like a natural instinct to be attracted to younger people. However, as human beings, we are more sophisticated (at least we should be). We have emotions, we have feelings. We are not "wild" or "feral" creatures. We have a complex social structure. We, as humans, generally understand that kids do not fully understand the consequences of their actions. Adolescents do not fully comprehend the extent of their actions when they consent, or when they are abused. Full brain development doesn't stop until 30. The younger they are, the less they understand the consequences of their actions. The younger they are, the less they understand that having sex has long term emotional consequences beyond the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. They don't understand what it means to have innocence and then not have it any more. They don't understand that the way they feel about themselves changes when they give up their innocence.
Victims of abuse, do not understand this because they aren't developed enough to do so. Just imagine what this means for the victim of child rape, who at the age of 2-3 was victimized, photographed, and raped for the pleasure of a disgraced Fire Chief and other perverts out there. This is a child whose innocence was taken away at such a young age, she will NEVER have innocence. It is actually remarkable how young people can remember things like this. This is a girl whose life is PERMANENTLY affected by this. She may have a normal childhood... but this is permanent.
So, who are the victims??? While most sex offenders typically feel they are the victims due to the sex offender registry, I really have to disagree. A sex offender may have ruined his/her life in the process, but he/she ruined the life of someone else as well. That sex offender ruined the innocence of a child. A child who is learning at a vastly accelerated rate to an older person due to brain development. This is a person, who is learning at a young age, the horrors of humanity. A person who should be learning about math, science, and how to enjoy life, is learning about monsters with cameras and perverted intentions.
The victims of abuse are ALWAYS the children.
What are your opinions on this hot topic? Do you agree, disagree? As always, feel free to comment with your opinion.
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