Thursday, April 20, 2017

Learning by Example, the Dumbing Down of Today.

Sunday morning, I happened to read an interesting article.

Target is recalling Easter toys due to a serious ingestion hazard.

This got me to thinking.  Back when I was a kid, we had those little glow sponge toys.  They started off like little pills and you'd throw them water and in about 30 seconds to a minute, it'd turn into this sponge dinosaur.  I used to love those things.  One thing I knew though: not to ingest them.  Why?

I was at an age where I knew better.

Yes, on each package, there is a list of ages of people who can play with a particular toy.  Usually this has to do with the fact that:
  1. The toy is too complex for a little kid to understand.  This can mean that it would only really be fun for someone of an appropriate age to play with.
  2. Choking hazard or some other hazard.  This would be a toy that in the hands of a little kid could pose a serious choking hazard.  This would include things like toy cars (where the wheels can come off), or in this case, these toys that are being recalled.
So, apparently, either people aren't reading the age limits on them and buying them for people too young to have them, or people aren't properly supervising their kids around these toys.  Anyone who was a kid in this day and age has seen this type of toy before.  We all pretty much understand what they do.  Wouldn't it make sense to teach kids, "This is NOT to be eaten."  When did we lose common sense???

Ok.  This doesn't seem that big of a deal.  One toy got recalled because of a serious ingestion hazard.  I get it.  But just think of the ramifications.  I may be "over-estimating" the severity of things, but bear with me.

As a kid, I was the idiot who grabbed a bottle of VO-5, put a huge amount on my small hands, and washed my hair with it.  Considering that I didn't need that much shampoo, and I will say that I was balling but 10 seconds later because soap got in my eyes.   But I will tell you one thing:
I learned my lesson.
 Toys we had back in the day are now being affected because they have been deemed "dangerous."  I've done things that people in today's over-protective environment would say is "dangerous."  And look at me, 34 years old, and still alive.

But people can't ignore common sense when it comes to things.  Apparently, this is the day and age of the lawsuit.  "MY KID SWALLOWED YOUR PRODUCT AND HAD TO HAVE SURGERY!! I AM GOING TO SUE YOU!!!"  And the response becomes: The product becomes recalled.

What's next?  Recall VO-5 because a kid's eyes had to be flushed because he used shampoo intended for adults??  Might as well ban anything that has watch batteries, because guess what?  They can be opened up and those batteries can be ingested by a little kid.  To me, the simplest solution is to watch your kid, and keep small objects like that put away.  If you buy a toy like the Easter toys that are being recalled, make sure you are giving them to a kid who knows what they are and what they do.  If the kid doesn't understand, then don't buy them!! Plain and simple.  Not too hard to figure out!!

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