Thursday, March 30, 2017


If there are people who have followed this little blog in the past, firstly, I will apologize that I haven't posted on this blog in quite a while.  Life got in the way and this took a back seat.  I feel that this would be an opportune time to explain myself.

1) I got married.  This doesn't mean that my wife doesn't allow me to do this.  During the whole planning for the marriage, the designing of cards for the ceremony, and the plan, I didn't really have the time to blog on this.

2) I moved.  (Moving is a pain in the ass.) This one doesn't really quite require much of an explanation.  The only thing to add is... I'm lazy.  We still aren't completely unpacked, and this was in November, 2016, that we moved. (March 30th, 2017, now, so yeah...)

3) Lack of content.  For a while there, there was a dry spell where I really didn't have much to rant about.  Now, I have a lot to rant about.  So, I might try to keep up with this on a more regular basis.

4) Not a large audience.  This could tie in to number 3.  If I had more content, more people would find this.

5) There is way too much of this type of thing going on.  In the age of social media, everyone is already sharing their opinions about everything.  It isn't a rare occasion where I'll go onto a social post and voice my opinions about something that annoys me.  (For instance, Sodastream's business strategy, [which I spent a good two months solid complaining to them]). 

So, this is what I'm going to do.  This will still be editorialistic.  As I like to voice my opinions on things (of course, with backed up facts to support my beliefs), that will not change.  I will add more random content (for instance, instead of "current events," I'll voice my opinions about stuff that doesn't really matter as well.  We'll see how long I can keep it going.  :)

To those who read, thanks for reading this. :)  If you have ideas of things for me to vocalize an opinion about, feel free to suggest something. I'm sure I'll have an opinion.

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