Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Lunacy of Mother's Day and Father's Day

Every year, we get together to honor our mothers and our fathers.  Honestly, I think that is kind of a joke.  First of all, allow me to explain.

I had posted that Mother's Day and Father's Day should be renamed "Mom's Day" and "Dad's Day."  The issue with the world view is that people believe that mom and mother are synonymous.  The same can be said with Dad and Father.  Let us define the two:

Father - A man in relation to his natural child or children.
Mother - A woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth.

Quite simple.  Is it not?

Let us define Mom and Dad:

Dad - One's Father
Mom - One's Mother.

Ok.  So, according to a dictionary, they are synonyms.  So far, my point doesn't hold merit at all, does it?

However, let's look at it from a different perspective.  Let's look at "formality."  Mother and father are in their strictest terms... the formal terms you would use to describe your parent.  Simple enough.  However, how many people actually refer to their mother as their mother.  Not many.  Most people call her "mom" or "mama" or "mommy."  As you see, depending on your relationship to your mother, the term changes.  If you don't know her, or don't respect her, then she is no longer really your mom.  She's your mother.  If you have a good relationship with someone, you tend to be a little less formal, and go with casual terms.  Same with your father or your dad.  As you develop a kinship or a casual relationship with your father, he becomes your dad.  Does this matter?

Yes, it does.

Suppose you have a biological parent out there you have never met.  Like, for instance, you were adopted at a young age.  You grew up knowing that you were adopted.  Would you dare ever consider your adoptive parents your mother or your father?  Doubtful.  You would never call them your mother or your father.  That adoptive woman did NOT give birth to you.  She can not be your mother.  However, I am sure you may eventually call her "mom."  The same applies to the male side of the coin.

Another point here.  Suppose your mother got knocked up and the male just fled.  He up and left her to fend for herself.  Suppose she remarried before the baby was born.  Would you call that man who was there to watch you grow up and take care of you your father?  Probably not.  Not if you knew the truth.  But you probably WOULD call him dad.  Your father would be the man who knocked up your mother and left the scene.  Formal definition must apply here. This also means that while everyone has a mother and father, not everyone has a mom and a dad.

So, from a definitive stand-point.  Mother and father are the people who brought you into this world.  Who are the people that watch you grow up, take care of you, and raise you?  They are your mom and dad, or your mommy and daddy, or even your mama and papa.  Doesn't matter.  Let's recognize THOSE people.  The people who raise you, shelter you, and teach you the way of life.  They are the true heroes in all of this.

Thanks for reading,

Feel free to comment. :)

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