This blog post was delayed as I have been busy, and the computer I was doing these on took a splash of water into the hard drive...
Anyways, a few nights ago at work, the radio station I was listening to played "November Rain" by Guns 'n Roses. I am a bit of a music buff, and a big fan of the classics, so this song playing amidst the newer music of today was a welcome change. As the song got towards the end and was headed towards the nice crescendo at the end... the radio station switched songs!!!! I felt heart-broken.
Crushed. Betrayed.
Crushed. Betrayed.
Through and through, "November Rain" is a good song, but the ending of the song is what sums it up. It is literally the best part of the song. The last minute and a half of that song is what makes the song feel... complete. To take that away from me, left me disgusted. I am still choking down the vomit of that atrocious display from the radio station.
Let me ask you music fans a serious question: Would you ever take off the amazing guitar riff off of "Freebird?" Or would you ever take off the beautiful guitar and piano riffs away from Derek & The Dominos recording of "Layla?" I know most people would say "No" and others would rather jump off of a bridge than even imagine "Freebird" without that guitar riff.
It is the best part of the song. That guitar riff at the end of "Freebird" is legendary. It is what the song is known for and it probably cemented that song as a complete masterpiece. To cut that guitar solo off would be a crime and should be punishable by time in prison. And to top that off, that person should be forced to only listen to music with all of the good parts cut out. Yes, justice...
Now, I am sure that DJs are busy maintaining time constraints and have to fit songs into time slots. And the ads must be played on a regular scale. The news must be played at a specific time and any contests must be done at around the same time every day, but c'mon... THIS WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!!! There was no news, no contests, no real time constraints. It was more of a "Let's butcher a classic song because people want to listen to the same song that we have played 2 or 3 times earlier that night."
And if there are stringent time lines that the song won't fit into without cutting chunks off of the song, then find another song to play. Honestly, I think I would be happier listening to even crappy music as long as it was played in its entirety.